If you own a car, it is definitely necessary to choose the right insurance. Depending on your car and your driving habits, there are many insurance packages available. As there are dozens of car insurance companies on the market, it is only sensible to choose the right insurance package carefully. Rates vary by car class, amount of miles driven and other factors.A good insurance provides not only coverage for damages caused by accidents, but also offers assistance during emergency situation, for example to get a substitution car while the car is being repaired. Therefore not only the financial risk involved with an accident is diminished, but companies also provide valuable help in times, when you need them most.When in the past, the search for a cheap auto insurance required lengthy negotiations with a variety of car insurance companies; it is nowadays easy to find the best offers through the internet. The following list should provide help in finding the cheapest auto insurance companies.Progressive is one of the biggest insurance companies as well as one of the oldest operating in the USA. They are regularly voted as the number one insurance company in the USA they provide excellent customer service combined with low insurance rates. Progressive has more than 10 Million insurances in cars. One package offered is called "pay as you drive" package. That is an insurance based on usage, which is especially attractive for people who only use their cars for short distances.Ally Financial is the former GMAC insurance company, which changed its name in 2010. The company was founded in 1939 and has branches in several countries around the world. They are active not only in the USA, but also in Canada, Mexico, and several countries in Europe. Besides car insurance, Ally also offers financing plans for purchasing or mortgaging vehicles.Farmers Insurance Group is the third largest insurance group in the USA, providing service to over 10 Million households in 41 states. Farmers Group's headquarters are based in Los Angeles, but it is owned by a Swiss holding company. They offer insurances for privately and collectively used vehicles alike, and are therefore also a good choice for families.Allstate Corporation was founded in 1931 and is since then one of the leading insurance companies in the United States and Canada. They are famous for low insurance rates combined with excellent customer service for all people. But especially teenagers and older people can find good insurance packages for their cars there.A quite new company, Kemper, which was founded in 1990 as Unitrin, struggled its way up to become one of the leading insurance companies in the United States. Like several other companies, they offer excellent insurance rates for cars and other vehicles. Kemper helps more than 6 Million households with insurances for their assets.Of course, the best insurance can never completely remove all the hassle that is involved with an accident. But knowing, that in the worst case you will be in good hands helps you be relaxed and therefore a safer driver.
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